Category Archives: Article

Article on Electric Vehicles on Clean Technica

Dr. Sioshansi has an article on electric vehicles on the Clean Technica website. It is titled, “Hints of EV Revolution Rising”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Zero Net Energy in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article on retail in the latest issue of Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled, “Going Zero Net Energy and Loving It”. To read it, click here (PDF).

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Article on Storage on Renew Economy

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about storage on the Renew Economy website. It is titled, “Battery storage as substitute for gas peakers – better performance, lower cost”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Electric Vehicles in Energy Post

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about electric vehicles on the Energy Post website. It is titled, “IEA: Future is electric and increasingly renewable”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Renewables in Renew Economy

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about renewables on the Renew Economy website. It is titled, “Rise of renewables dooms baseload generation”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Electric Vehicles in Energy Post

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about electric vehicles on the Energy Post website. It is titled, “The impact of electric vehicles on electricity demand”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Retail in Energy Post

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about retail on the Energy Post website. It is titled, “Electricity’s future: mostly behind the meter”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Oil in IAEE Newsletter

Dr Sioshansi has an article in the newsletter of the International Association for Energy Economics. It is titled “End Of Big Oil? Don’t Write off Big Oil Yet, But the Industry’s Best Years May Be Behind Us”. To read it, … Continue reading

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Article on Retail in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article on retail in the latest issue of Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled, “Who Will Capture Value Behind the Meter”. To read it, click here (PDF).

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Article on Renewables in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article on renewables in the latest issue of Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled, “More renewables, more negative prices”. To read it, click here (PDF).

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