Category Archives: Grid

Article about Electric Buses on The Driven

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about electric buses on the The Driven website. It is titled, “Too good to be missed: An entire school electric bus fleet is sending power the grid”. To read it, click here.

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Article about Renewables on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about renewables on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Running On 100% Renewable”. To read it, click here.

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Article about Electric Vehicles on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about electric vehicles on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Vehicle-to-grid Offers Great Storage Potential”. To read it, click here.

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New article about Transmission on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about Transmission on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Transmission: The Weak Link”. To read it, click here.

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Article about Demand Flexibility on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about Demand Flexibility on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Demand Flexibility Is No Longer Nice To Have”. To read it, click here.

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Webinar on US Electricity Networks

On July 11th, Dr. Sioshansi will be presenting a webinar for Engineers Australia. The title is, “US electricity developments and their applications to Australian networks” and the description is as follows: The speaker will discuss topical developments with examples in … Continue reading

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Article about Transmission on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about transmission on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “The Biggest Renewable Bottleneck: Transmission”. To read it, click here.

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Webinar: Locked in Gridlock

On June 27th, Dr. Sioshansi will be one of the guest speakers at a webinar about transmission grid problems. The webinar is sponsored by the Better Grids Foundation. The topic is as follows: Deploying the level of renewable generation required … Continue reading

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Article on Transmission on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about transmission on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Transmission Infrastructure Highly Prized”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Transmission in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about transmission in the latest edition of Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled, “Transmission Queues Costly”. To read it, click here (PDF).

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