Category Archives: EEnergy Informer

December 2013 EEnergy Informer

The December 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list: US Reaches News Oil Milestone European Utilities Ring Alarm Bells How To Lose Half A Trillion Euros The Gains And Pains Of Germany’s Energiewende RWE: … Continue reading

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Utility Of The Future Or Future Of The Utility?

Opinions vary on how serious are the challenges facing the industry This is a sample article from the November 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer. For some time now, everybody and his brother, as the saying goes, is talking about the … Continue reading

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November 2013 EEnergy Informer

The November 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list: 40th Anniversary Of Arab Oil Embargo IPCC: Climate Is Indeed Warming Will California Get Its Tariffs Right? Utility Of The Future Or Future Of The … Continue reading

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Energy Efficiency + Solar + Storage = Game Over

Future rather different than the past This is a sample article from the October 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer. By sheer coincidence, several articles in this month’s newsletter reinforce the notion that the electricity supply industry’s (ESI) traditional business model … Continue reading

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October 2013 EEnergy Informer

The October 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list: US Surpasses Russia In Fuel Production German Retail Prices Decoupled From Wholesale California Moves To Tackle Long Overdue Tariff Issues Eurelectric Sees The Future And … Continue reading

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Grid Reliability New White House Concern

Forget Washington gridlock, focus on the grid As if it had nothing better to do, The White House released a report in August 2013 warning about the vulnerability of the transmission grid and the US electricity delivery network, just as … Continue reading

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September 2013 EEnergy Informer

The September 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list: Peak Oil Is Real – On The Demand Side Grid Reliability New White House Concern 10th Anniversary Of Aug 2003 Northeast US Blackout: What Have … Continue reading

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Renewables To Overtake Gas by 2016

No longer niche players. For those who continue to discount renewable energy resources as niche players, the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest Medium-term renewable energy market report (MTRMR) predicts that electricity generation from hydro, wind, solar and other renewable sources … Continue reading

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August 2013 EEnergy Informer

The August 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list: Climate Change Will Cause More Grid Disruptions Renewables To Overtake Gas By 2016 World’s Top 10 Powerhouses America’s Shale Gas Bounty Sours Australia’s LNG Prospects … Continue reading

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Renewable Targets Won’t Derail California’s Economy

The marginal cost is mere noise, or a loud thunder? This is a sample article from the July 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer. California, the most populous state in America, has the most ambitious renewable portfolio standard (RPS) — 33% … Continue reading

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