Category Archives: Renewables

Article on Renewables on Energize

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article up on the South African website, Energize. It is titled, “Has ethical investing finally arrived?”. To read it, click here.

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Outages Again? This Time In Texas

Renewables get the blame even if thermal plants cause outages In mid Aug 2020 amidst an unprecedented extreme heat wave, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) ran short on generation capacity by roughly 1 GW at a time when the … Continue reading

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Article about California on Renew Economy

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about California on the Renew Economy website. It is titled, “California’s glide to renewable energy nirvana”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Renewables v Coal on Renew Economy

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article on the Renew Economy website. It is titled, “After 134 years, renewables beat coal in US – and head to 50 pct share by 2030”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Renewables on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about renewables on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “CAISO Load Drops, Renewable Curtailment Rises”. To read it, click here.

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Spanish Webinar Available to View

A video recording of Dr. Sioshansi’s webinar for the Club Español de la Energia is now available to view (see below). Although the content is largely similar to the Australian webinar, the audience questions are different.

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Webinar in Spain

Dr. Sioshansi will be giving a webinar for the Club Español de la Energia tomorrow. Details are here. Places are limited, but the content will be similar to that of the Australian webinar which is available to view here.

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Webinar on Variable Generation

Earlier this month Dr. Sioshansi gave an online webinar for the Australian National University (ANU). The subject of the webinar was “Variable Generation, Flexible Demand: The California experience”. A detailed description is available on the ANU website. The ANU has … Continue reading

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Workshop In Italy

On February 19th, Dr. Sioshansi will be presenting a workshop titled, “Variable Generation, Variable Demand”. This is in conjunction with the Florence School of Regulation. For further details about the event, click here.

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Dr. Sioshansi in CA Current

Dr. Sioshansi is a regular contributor to CA Current magazine. His articles are subscriber-only so we can’t link to them. His latest contribution is an article on renewables titled, “Vanishing Renewable Premium”.

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