Category Archives: Renewables

Article About Renewables in Europe in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article in the latest edition of Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled It is titled “State of retail electricity markets″. To read it, click here (PDF).

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Why Is EIA Underestimating Renewables?

The disparity between recent trends and future projections is puzzling. This is a sample article from the February 2014 issue of EEnergy Informer. that is the question many independent analysts would like to know. The Energy Information Administration (EIA), is … Continue reading

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Articles on Breaking Energy

Here are a couple of articles by Dr. Sioshansi that appeared on the Breaking Energy website late last year: “2013: More Solar Than Wind” “US Reaches New Oil Milestone”

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Article on EU Energy Policy

Dr. Sioshansi has an article on the EU Energy Policy blog. It is titled, “Who Gets Big Subsidies? Not Renewables”. To read it, click here.

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Articles on Breaking Energy

Dr. Sioshansi has had a number of articles on the Breaking Energy website recently. You can read them via the following links: Climate Change Will Cause More Grid Disruptions Regulators Avoid The Ire Of Solar Proponents Renewables Marginally More Expensive … Continue reading

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Renewables To Overtake Gas by 2016

No longer niche players. For those who continue to discount renewable energy resources as niche players, the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest Medium-term renewable energy market report (MTRMR) predicts that electricity generation from hydro, wind, solar and other renewable sources … Continue reading

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Renewable Targets Won’t Derail California’s Economy

The marginal cost is mere noise, or a loud thunder? This is a sample article from the July 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer. California, the most populous state in America, has the most ambitious renewable portfolio standard (RPS) — 33% … Continue reading

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Article On EE Publishers

The South African website, EE Publishers, has reprinted an article by Dr. Sioshansi from EEnergyInformer. The article is titled, “Aside from a few minor issues 4-million turbines is all it takes”. To read it click here.

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When It Comes To Renewables, Aim High

Researchers are pushing the envelope on renewables This is a sample article from the November 2012 issue of EEnergy Informer. President Obama’s latest book, no longer selling briskly, was titled “The Audacity of Hope.” A new genre of studies on … Continue reading

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Article on Renewables in Europe

Dr. Sioshansi has an article on the current state of renewable generation in Europe over at AOL Energy. He notes that the EU is on track to exceed its 2030 renewable generation target.

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