Category Archives: Renewables

Future Of Grid: Smart

This is a sample article from the January 2012 issue of EEnergy Informer. Failure to meet the challenges facing the grid could be degraded reliability. In the past few years, smart grid has risen to top of everyone’s favorite list … Continue reading

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Winds Of Change Blowing From China, Where Else?

This is a sample article from the October 2011 issue of EEnergy Informer. Western turbine manufacturers brace for stiff competition China may not be where cutting edge research takes place or innovative technologies emerge, and Chinese manufacturers are not usually … Continue reading

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Greening Of Japan

This is a sample article from the September 2011 issue of EEnergy Informer. A proposed law aims to kill two birds with one stone. With no indigenous energy resources of its own, aside from renewable, Japan’s energy policy has been … Continue reading

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New Book: Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

Dr. Sioshansi has a new book due out from Elsevier in April. Energy, Sustainability and the Environment will have 580 pages and cost US$99.95. For more details and a 20% pre-order discount, click here.

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German Nuclear Industry Gets A Life Extension

This is a sample article from the October 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. A compromise gives the industry until 2036 to hang on to the existing fleet, with strings attached Under a plan approved by a center-left government under different … Continue reading

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Historical Crossover: Solar Cheaper Than Nukes?

This is a sample article from the September 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. It was bound to happen, sooner rather than later Every now and then a historical milestone is reached, forcing us to pause and take note. Nuclear power … Continue reading

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Renewables Are All About Integration

This is a sample article from the August 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. Integration and storage grow in prominence as renewable generation moves mainstream For a long time, people in the utility industry were contemplating a future where renewable and … Continue reading

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How Much Is Too Much For Renewable Energy Resources?

This is a sample article from the June 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. Ideology gets in the way of comparing policy options while ignoring more fundamental global shifts To promote renewable energy resources, many states have introduced mandatory renewable portfolio … Continue reading

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How Much Wind, How Soon, At What Cost?

This is a sample article from the February 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. A lot sooner than you think, at costs one can afford, obstacles notwithstanding. In 2008, a group consisting of utilities, regional transmission operators, and planning organizations in … Continue reading

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Demand For Green Power Shows Resilience

This is a sample article from the December 2009 issue of EEnergy Informer. Despite the economic downturn, demand for green power continues to grow A survey by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that the top 50 US purchasers bought … Continue reading

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