Category Archives: Virtual power plants

New article about Virtual Power Plants on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about virtual power plants on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Virtual Power Plants Better Than The Real Ones”. To read it, click here.

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New article about Virtual Power Plants on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about Virtual Power Plants on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “What’s Holding Off Virtual Power Plants?”. To read it, click here.

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New article about Virtual Power Plants on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about Virtual Power Plants on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Virtual Power Plants And Demand Flexibility”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Virtual Power Plants in Energy Net Zero

Dr Sioshansi has an article on virtual power plants in the latest issue of Energy: Net Zero magazine. It is titled, “VPP programmes show their worth in US and Australia”. To read it, click here (PDF).

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