Category Archives: Retail

New Book Available for Pre-Order

Dr. Sioshansi’s latest book, Behind and beyond the meter: Digitalization, aggregation, optimization, monetization, will be published on the 26th of February. It is available for pre-order here. You can get a 30% discount using the code ATR30 at the publisher’s … Continue reading

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Article about Utilities on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “What Future For Utilities?”. To read it click here.

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Dr. Sioshansi in Sydney

A video of Dr. Sioshansi speaking at a conference in Sydney is available on YouTube. The talk was based on his book, Consumer, Prosumer, Prosumager: How Customer Stratification will Disrupt the Utility Business Model. You can watch it below:

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Article About PG&E Shutdown on EEPublishers

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about the recent PG&E shutdown in California on the EE Publishers website. To read it, click here.

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New Book Available

Dr. Sioshansi’s latest book, Consumers, Prosumers, Prosumagers: How Customer Stratification will Disrupt the Utility Business Model, is now available from the publishers. For more information, and a 30% discount off the purchase price, click here.

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Article on Retail in Energy Post

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about retail on the Energy Post website. It is titled, “Electricity’s future: mostly behind the meter”. To read it, click here.

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Article on Retail in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article on retail in the latest issue of Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled, “Who Will Capture Value Behind the Meter”. To read it, click here (PDF).

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Coming Soon – New Book

Dr. Sioshansi’s latest book, Consumer, Prosumer, Prosumager: How service innovations will disrupt the utility business model, will be out early in 2019. Here’s a sneak look at the cover.

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Article about Tariffs on Energy Post

Dr Sioshansi has a new article about the future of tariff structures on the Energy Post website. It is titled, “How electricity will be priced in the future?”. You can read it here.

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Article about Utilities on Renew Economy

Dr Sioshansi has a new article about utility business models on the Renew Economy website. It is titled, “Innovation, disruption and the utility business model”. You can read it here.

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