Category Archives: Retail

Article About US Retail Markets in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article in the latest edition of Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled “State of retail electricity markets″. To read it, click here (PDF).

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Utilities Article on Renew Economy

Dr. Sioshansi has an article about utilities and solar PV on the Australian website, Renew Economy. It is titled, “Utilities should curb heavy air con use, not solar PVs”. To read it, click here.

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More Australia Coverage

Another stop on Dr. Sioshansi’s Australia trip was the Eastern Australia’s Energy Markets Outlook 2013 conference in Sydney. His talk there was on the future of traditional utilities and it is reported here under the title, “Is it already too … Continue reading

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Utility Of The Future Or Future Of The Utility?

Opinions vary on how serious are the challenges facing the industry This is a sample article from the November 2013 issue of EEnergy Informer. For some time now, everybody and his brother, as the saying goes, is talking about the … Continue reading

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German Tariffs Article in Energy Spectrum

Dr. Sioshansi has an article in the latest issue of Cornwall Energy’s Energy Spectrum magazine. It is titled, “German retail tariffs decouple from wholesale prices”. To read it as a PDF, click here.

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US Retail Markets: Growing Despite Recession, Or Because Of It?

This is a sample article from the May 2012 issue of EEnergy Informer. Competitively supplied electricity is thriving, and will do better, given a choice The recent recession has been hard on many businesses and industries, including the power sector. … Continue reading

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Time Has Arrived For Time Variant Pricing, But What Kind?

This is a sample article from the July 2011 issue of EEnergy Informer. Smart meters remove the obstacle to implementation of dynamic pricing, hence the debate on what kind. It is not infrequent that one sets off in pursuit of … Continue reading

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What’s Driving Growth In The Residential Electricity Sector?

This is a sample article from the April 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. Blame it on rapid proliferation of home entertainment devices Setting aside the recent drop in electricity consumption, the first experienced in decades and entirely attributed to the … Continue reading

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Status of Competitive Electricity Markets in North America

This is a sample article from the January 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. Who is the lead ballerina in Dubuque, Iowa? Retail competition was introduced in a number of states between 1998-2000 amidst great fanfare that it would lead to … Continue reading

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