December 2014 EEnergy Informer

The December 2014 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list:

  • Elephant In The Oval Office
  • World’s Two Big Carbon Emitters Agree To Curb Emissions
  • Climate Is Warming. What Is New?
  • US Emissions Down Even Before Obama’s Pledge
  • Cheap Oil?
  • Can Denmark’s Remarkable Renewable Feat Be Duplicated?
  • How To Fix Fixed Charges
  • IEA: Energy Efficiency Global Powerhouse
  • MA and CA Most Efficient; WY And ND Not So
  • Solar Is Simply Good Business
  • Solar On The Rise
  • Micro Grids
  • Deutsche Bank: Solar Grid Parity Is Here

You can request a sample issue of EEnergy Informer here.

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