April 2010 EEnergy Informer

The April 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list:

  • With So Much Cheap Gas, Who Needs Coal?
  • Don’t Expect A Climate Treaty This Year
  • What’s Driving Growth In The Residential Electricity Sector?
  • EU To Meet Its 2020 Renewable Target
  • Guess Who Buys More Oil From Saudis Than The US?
  • Stick Mightier Than Carrot, Only If You Dare To Use It
  • Energy Blooms In A Box
  • Wind Gains, Natural Gas Loses
  • California Pushes Ahead On 1 Million Solar Roofs
  • What Will It Take To Build A New Nuke In The US?
  • Will V2G Evolve Into A Great Electrical Sponge?
  • The More You Use The More You Pay

You can request a sample issue of EEnergy Informer here.

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