Article on the ‘Duck Curve’ on Energy Cental

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about the California ‘Duck Curve’ on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Negative Net Load”. To read it, click here.

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August 2023 EEnergy Informer

The August 2023 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list:

  • Too Hot, Too little, Too Late?
  • Going Under, As In Under Water
  • Excessive Heat Tests Supply Adequacy
  • Negative Net Load
  • Offshore Wind Comes Of Age
  • Are Wind Turbines Getting Too Big?
  • Space Solar Power
  • Delivering Prices-to-devices Not Easy
  • Variability Of Renewable Leads To Innovative Business Models
  • Nukes Will Not Make A Big Difference
  • What Is OPEC, OPEC+?
  • EEI In The News

For a FREE SAMPLE COPY of EEnergy Informer, write to

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Book Event in Queensland

Dr. Sioshansi has been on a speaking tour in Australia. As part of that he did a launch event for his latest book, The Future of Decentralized Electricity Distribution Networks at Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research, Griffith University in Queensland. The event included co-authors, Professor Paul Simshauser AM, and Associate Professor Joel Gilmore. Further details about the event are available on LinkedIn.

For more details and to purchase the book, click here.

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Article about Electric Vehicles on The Driven

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about electric vehicles on the website, The Driven. It is titled, “Who should own EV charging stations – and who should not?”. To read it, click here.

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Article about Net Metering on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about Net Metering on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Center Stage: Distributed Generation And Net Metering”. To read it, click here.

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July 2023 EEnergy Informer

The July 2023 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list:

  • Renewable Investments Exceed Fossil Fuels
  • Global Renewable Additions To Top 440 GW In 2023
  • It’s Official: California Must Clip Peak Load
  • New Approach To Demand Flexibility
  • Decarbonizing The Transport Sector
  • Who Should Own EV Charging Stations
  • Center Stage: Distributed Generation And Net Metering
  • Book Review: Pricing the priceless
  • EEI In The News

For a FREE SAMPLE COPY of EEnergy Informer, write to

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Article on Decarbonisation in Energize Magazine

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about decarbonisation in the latest issue of Energize magazine. It is titled, “Let’s electrify everything everywhere all at once”. To read it, click here, and go to page 15.

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Webinar on US Electricity Networks

On July 11th, Dr. Sioshansi will be presenting a webinar for Engineers Australia. The title is, “US electricity developments and their applications to Australian networks” and the description is as follows:

The speaker will discuss topical developments with examples in electricity networks occurring in the USA with particular reference to their application in Australian utilities. The future directions for decentralised electricity networks will be a specific focus.

The webinar is free to Engineers Australia members, but AU$30 (about US$20) to non-members. The start time is midday, AEST (Sydney/Melbourne time). For further detaikd and to register, click here.

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Article about Transmission on Energy Central

Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about transmission on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “The Biggest Renewable Bottleneck: Transmission”. To read it, click here.

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Webinar: Locked in Gridlock

On June 27th, Dr. Sioshansi will be one of the guest speakers at a webinar about transmission grid problems. The webinar is sponsored by the Better Grids Foundation. The topic is as follows:

Deploying the level of renewable generation required to meet our national and global sustainability objectives is daunting. To successfully add new sustainable generation capacity, project developers must navigate the highly complex grid interconnection process, which includes initiating interconnection requests, conducting studies, negotiating agreements, and overcoming the possibility of project withdrawal at any point. The elephant in the room is this process is widely recognized as a bottleneck to renewable deployment.

Leveraging the Berkeley Lab’s rich analysis of the current Interconnection situation in “Queued Up v2”, EE Informer’s extensive coverage of transmission bottlenecks and GridBright’s experience with over 100 developer clients, these three panelists who see this elephant from different perspectives will share their insights into the challenges and potential solutions for grid interconnection un-lock.

For more information, and to register for the webinar, click here.

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