Category Archives: Grid
Integrating Distributed Generation Not As Costly As Feared
Less expensive in urban, more in rural areas California Governor Jerry Brown has set a goal of having 12 GW of localized renewable energy, aka distributed generation, by 2020. At the time the target was set, nobody really knew if … Continue reading
Grid Reliability New White House Concern
Forget Washington gridlock, focus on the grid As if it had nothing better to do, The White House released a report in August 2013 warning about the vulnerability of the transmission grid and the US electricity delivery network, just as … Continue reading
Articles on Breaking Energy
Dr. Sioshansi has had a number of articles on the Breaking Energy website recently. You can read them via the following links: Climate Change Will Cause More Grid Disruptions Regulators Avoid The Ire Of Solar Proponents Renewables Marginally More Expensive … Continue reading