The February 2011 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list:
- What’s The Alternative To Pricey Oil?
- Reengaging The Disengaged Customers Won’t Be Easy
- How Much Scope For Energy Efficiency?
- Utility Lobbying Tops $150 Million In 2010
- EU To Exceed Its 20% Renewable Target By 2020
- CAISO’s Smart Grid Driven By California’s Ambitious Mandates
- California Adopts Cap And Trade
- Does Money Buy Happiness?
- Is FERC Socializing Transmission Costs?
- Australia’s Floods Lead To Rising Coal And Steel Prices
- EPA Takes A Stand Against Mountaintop Coal
- Solar Plants Come In Ever Larger Sizes
- European Retail Electricity Markets: Alive But Not Necessarily Well