On Wednesday 23 April Cornwall Energy and Menlo Energy Economics will host a joint event at the Institute of Directors in London to examine the impact of increasing levels of distributed generation on the traditional utilities’ business model.
In addition to Dr. Sioshansi, those participating will include Malcolm Keay (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies), Paul Nillesen (PwC), Michael Pollitt (Judge Business School, Cambridge University), Christoph Burger (European School of Management and Technology in Berlin), Stephen Littlechild (Judge Business School, University of Cambridge), Derek Bunn (London Business School), Stephen Woodhouse (Pöyry Management Consulting, Oxford), Catherine Mitchell (University of Exeter).
This free event will take place on 23 April at the Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London. Registration will begin at 2.30pm ready for a 3pm start. A drinks reception will follow at 6pm.
For a further details, including information on reserving a place, click here.